Large Tank Lighting


New member
I'm having a very difficult time deciding on the lighting I will use on an 8' long tank. (96 x 30 x 25)

LED's seem to be a fortune.

What are all of you using on your larger tanks to get full coverage (end to end)? Hopefully someone has a suggestion that's not going to break the bank!!

Please help!
You can DIY LEDs. You can also get pretty nice Bridgelux LED fixtures direct from China if you look around online.

Almost anything will have a lower up front cost than LED, but cost more to run from an electrical and bulb replacement standpoint.
i would say get 8 AI LED upfront cost is 3300
u get 4 400 watts MH upfront cost about 1400 but u gotta replace bulbs every 9 months tats about 400 more a yr for cost of bulbs and also the cost of electricity to run it