Large Tank Top Off

About 3 gal a day now with a total of 550g- but summer is just around the corner and with all my equipment in a 120+ degree garage it will go up to about 6 gal a day!
I loose 10-12 gpd on a 1000g system. That will change as I will cover my sump to prevent so much evaporation and to cut on the rampant and uncontrollable wave of rust going on in my garage, AKA the fish room.
5-6 per day on my 400 gallon system but humidity in the fish room stays between 50-60% (same as rest of house)
I lose about 2gal a day on my 92gal... I am only running 2x96w PC (12hrs) and 2x250w MH (6hrs)... I am really hoping that I don't lose as much on my 600gal in the basement as I do with the 92gal upstairs...