Large tanks in high rise condo.


New member
Hello all Large tank owners and others :)

what is the largest size tank that would fit in a condo ? the hall way and door way.

I am moving from a high rise condo to another one, and want to upgrade my reef.

currently its a 66"x24"x24" from miracles, we almost had no Issues bringing it in, stand is 4 foot high.

for new tank, I want the same lenght of the tank 66-72" [might go with 72 this time as it seems to be cheaper !]

height of the tank I want about 30" . planning on raising the rocks form the sand.

now front to back or weidth, I am interested in 48" front to back.

now this would fit through the door, as its 30" I think as well [32" with doors removed I believe]

but now I have 2 Issues, 1. will there be enough room in the hall way to bring it in and turn it to fit through the door ?
2. how would I bring the stand in >?!! do companies like miracle make 2 in one stands ? the tallest stand I can get would be about 30" high ! which is really short for a reef tank, would it be safe to gt a 30" stand, and make a 10" stand for under it ? or even 5x 2" thick plywood sitting on each other ?

if anyone has any good opinions or way, please let me know. and I cant afford lifting it 10-20 floors and take it in from the balcony ...
if you are my property manager, then I meant in Centimeter :P hahah

if not, then yes ! lol

the floor is a thick slab of concrete and rebar, I have seen ppl place grand pianos in similar condos. also the large foot print would lower the risk I would guess. less weight per square feet.

do you think its unsafe ? if so, what is the largest tank you would place in a high rise ?

my 200 G is on the 30th floor right now, only Issue was last year during a earth quake, some water splashed out lol but we rarely get earth quakes up here in Toronto.
I would think your max dimensions would be about 72*30*48. Figure the tank standing on end could slide through the door. My doors are all about 32" wide, I think. I assume your hallways are wide enough for two people to pass, so about 48".

You might want to sacrifice some cardboard. Cut it to match your desired dimensions and see how it might fit from your car to your apartment. Don't forget that it will be more difficult to maneuver the tank than the cardboard.
Have you thought about having the tank built on premises? Then dimensions of the doors are not an issue...
Have you thought about actually measuring the elevator, hallways and doorways where the tank would have to travel through? That would be your best bet, not every doorway and hallway or elevator are the same. Some places build just to meet code while others exceed the code.
how is anyone suppsed to konw how large of a tank you can fit in a condo hallway/doorway that no one has been in or seen? depending on what type of turns, how wide the doors are, etc etc, no one will know what size you can have.

if all else fails, you can always hire a tank company to build the tank IN the room, and you wont have any issues getting it in. you wont be able to get it out though.
thanks guys.

was hoping someone might have done this to know :) as the hallway sizes are set to standards in north america.

cardboard sounds like a good Idea .... I will try that :)