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New member
i have been running the tank for the past three months with out adding coral , one thing i wanted to make sure before i added my sps that everything was very stable and consistant . dont worry there will be a ton of sps in the next month ..
your mom is a goon. Im just trying to post some pics and share . whatever . most people on this site are very helpful . I guess there has to always be a few a holes in every bunch.
your tellin .. ? if he can call me a goon , i can say his mom is a goon. for all i know a goon is a good thing . it means great reefkeeper . havent you heard. anyway . my point is i was just trying to share.
You're excited about your new tank... we all understand :D Don't take it personal. Wanna see my top-off container??? :lol:

p.s. I didn't tell :D I was just kidding you
thank you for your understanding. lol.. i do tend to take things to personal. i am very proud of my tank. sure i would like to see the top off..
there is a chiller because i packed as much flow into the 30gal i could. most of the heat is coming from the pumps from what i can tell . i figured the mroe flow the better. i dont think any number of pumps can re create the flow of the ocean . so i did my best. as for your comment ( ..I guess come back in a month when its full of SPS..I wouldnt do it, but ok..) i dont understand , who speaks like that. you wouldent do what? anyway . i think it will be a great place for sps to thrive.
Crazyest thread ever!! I LOVE IT :D :D :D

Very nice chiller, I wish I had one :(

I don't have a topoff container to show, but how about the sticker from my water change bucket?


Party on!