Last sale day, 4 corals left: Nuke Greens, Christmas Favia, Maroon/Green Favia, PPEs


New member
Last day to sell these corals before even the temp tank has to be broken down. Taking them to a store today if no one buys:
- Nuclear Greens $100 for the whole 200+ polyp colony
- Christmas Favia, 4"x5" on a 10 pound rock: $50
- Big maroon/electric green favia: $75 for the whole thing, but it does not look as good as it did when I first took pics, the multiple shifts to the frag tank took a toll. Encrusting on a 10 pound+ rock.
- Purple Deaths (found a frag with about 20+ polyps):$15

Also still selling dry goods, pan world pump, magfloats, phosban, phospure, timers etc etc etc.
Jack, 305-962-0828, 5838 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, FL

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Hey thanks! Thats about the fourth time during this brekadown that someone has helped me ID one of the corals I'm selling, the last three times I think it made them sell faster, hopefully this time the same, heh.