Lawnmower blenny vs kole tang


New member
Added a lawnmower blenny about a month ago. I noticed my kole tang being aggressive towards him and chasing him off when grazing on rocks. Blenny seemed quick enough and healthy. Went on vacation and he's vanished.... No body found, which I wouldn't expect one due to my starfish and cuc.

Guess I'm upset as this is my first casualty after cycling. Should I give it another shot? Feel like it will yield the same behavior from my tang.

Why must I get a lawnmower blenny? Because it's my husbands favorite fish and he puts up with my ****. Any advice on whether this should be approached again? Should I wait it out a few months and see if he's just a really good hider? (his camouflage got me all the time)

My Tomini tang would never let my diamond goby come out. He would chase him back under a rock if he ever saw him. I haven't seen him in about three months, so... It's not abnormal behavior. Tangs can be very territorial.
I’m having a similar problem. Added a Starry Blenny less than a week ago and my Kole Tang chase him back into the rocks. Maybe LiquidCache is right. Not abnormal behavior.
Exact same thing here. First blenny was harassed to death by the kole tang. A got a second blenny, the largest starry I had ever seen for sale, and it stood its ground. The kole tang actually had blenny bite mark on its side a few times. That blenny died from my neglect.... I was cleaning, moved the gutter guard away from the overflow turned away for a second and the blenny was siphoned to death. I plan on getting another blenny as soon as I find another big one.

It seems that kole tangs just have a natural hatred for these guys.
Brisletooth tangs don't usually like blennys that eat the same type of algae as them. Lawnmowers and starrys.
Yea I figured it was because they had the same food source but with plenty around I figured it wouldn't be a big deal. Well maybe I'll see if my husband likes something else lol. He doesn't mess with my diamond goby
They share the same niche, food source, so the biggest guy will win out

Sorry didn't notice it was a local club.
So happy to report, after two weeks in hiding, I found the blenny last night alive and kicking! Crazy how that can happen.