leaking zoa?!?


New member
Alright im new to the zoa thing, so i dont know every thing and may just be over reacting, BUT heres the problem:
I was sitting watching my zoas a few mins ago and then suddenly one just started spewing this brown liquid.
What is this? should i be worried? i have been making water for emergency water change? is this necessary?

I have had the zoas for about 3 days, i just bought them from a lfs and they looked beautiful, only thing crawling on them from my examination has been tinny pods and spindly sea stars.

plz help i really want them to work out.
Mine do that every now and then. I've had them for years. Don't worry about it at all.

If they keep opening up your fine. If not, get a wrasse or goby to get rid of those pods. I've had trouble with them in the past, not big trouble though. A starving Sixline solved it in a couple days.
lol i think my wrasse took care of that in less than a day, i almost thought he was bothering the zoas.
how long should it take for the zoas to get used to the tank and open fully?
That's random. I have had colonies open up in the bag on the way home, remain home in the aquarium, and required no 'adjustment period' whatsoever.

On the other hand, I have had colonies that have remained closed for a week or more. In which case, I posted "oh my god, i just bought a colony, it won't open". Of course, I was reassured that it would open, and it did.

Long story short, between 0 and 10 days.

Always start lower light then move them where you want them. Make sure the current is moderate (not absent). If your zoas do remain closed for a couple days (as I said, this is totally fine) you want to make sure that Algae does not take them over -algae tends to grow where there is less water flow.
It's one of two things likely, either expelling waste or zooxanthellae. Waste is fine, zooxanthellae could be a sign of stress. Have they lost any color?
I never heard about a brown liquid.
I've seen brown filaments and brown spheres coming out their mouth, not liquid.

I agree that probably shouldn't be nothing to worry about, when they look normal.
