Leather finger coral


New member
I have a finger coral I got about a week ago. It really hasn't opened up since I brought it home. The rock it is on has a lot of holes and last night I noticed that there were little things that looked like brine shrimp in the hole in and around the coral. They were just a little under a 1/8 inch. Are they a problem? Do they feed on the coral?
They are Mysis Shrimp, free live food for fishes :) They are good, don't worry. As for the leather, what are all of your parameters?? Tank size and dimensions? What kind of lighting and how much?? Where is the coral placed in regards to this lighting, and if possible, what were the corals conditions before you bought/received it? That's all I can think to ask right now, need some info to help though, so get back with the answers, and we'll see what we can do to figure it out.

Could you post a picture maybe? I have a finger coral that is really finicky. It'll shrivel up and look like it wants to die and then snap back to life all of a sudden. Sometimes it'll pull this act for a week and then be fine for another week and so on and so forth. I just ignore it now. Sometimes it looks like shriveled crap and sometimes it looks like a million bucks.

Besides the possibility of being in a new tank, when these corals grow they shrivel up and slough off skin. It looks like they're about to bite the dust but they're really just growing!

Is it attached to the rock or is it lying on top of it?

Most of the time there isn't much you can do anyways except water changes, so this might be a good excuse to clean out that water a bit.
It can take weeks to months sometimes for new soft coral to start showing it's polyps again. Finger and devil's hand types especially.

As long as it still feels rubbery to the touch ( rub it ) and doesn't flake off/ fall apart to the then it's fine. If it does flake off then there is serious reason for concern otherwise, patience usually wins out.