leather i.d. and questions!


New member
Can anybody i.d. this leather? Also, what flow and lighting do they like? Thanx

It's either a Capnella (Kenya tree) or a Cladiella (colt coral) from what I can tell. I would lean more towards the Cladiella (colt) since the base has a central stalk where as the Kenya has multiple stalks. It is small so I can't really be sure.

Lighting needs are from low light all the way to very bright light after they are acclimated to it. I prefer low to medium flow for colt corals.
i also agree that it is a kenya or colt, to small to make a positive ID. but they do well in my tank under low to med. flow. and med. light. i have a 46 bow with 130 watt pc and they grow nicely.
i have a huge colony, its a purple lamnalia, moderate flow, any lighting will do, my polyps only open up at night and occasionally during the day. IMO, i think they rely more on food than lighting.
uhh... well, i dont really feed it anything, i do make my own fish/coral food and i also tried cylcop eeze, i guess u can feed it anything, nothing to large though, like cyclop eeze. to tell u the truth, i have no idea what to feed it.