Leather is dieing ?!


New member
what would cause a toodstool to i guess u could say it looks like its rotting on some spots but other spots seem to be fine ?
I'm moving this to the soft coral forum ... hopefully it will get more response in that [more appropriate] forum.

How long has this been going on?
How long have you had it?
Have any pics?
oops sorry about the mis post. its been going on a week or so it looks like the outside of the toadstool is falling off and u can see inside it and my other toadstool as just fell over all my zoos and torch coral are booming but these two have me pondering
sure will do as soon as i can.. its looking a better today but some parts of it have white spots on it wierd i dunno. but ill try to get some pics
well today it looks very bad it seems like it as the plauge with these white spots on it and there is a rather large hole in it. it seems to be just falling apart
today i tossed it. it was very plain that it was decaying and i just didnt want to give up but i tossed it today thanks for the help
I have something similar happening to my large leather that I have had for years. There are white spots and one of the white spots has a big hole in the middle...can anyone out there identify this problem!!
In the future, if you have the same problem, their is a chance of saving your leather by cutting out/off the dead area. The leather's are highly resilient and it should heal in time. Also by adding Iodine and moderate water movement, your success rate will be very good with regards to soft corals.
Hrm... I have green spots on mine this morning... It looks like fungus or alge... Any tips on treating this?
Yes if a coral has some dead spots on it, cut off the infected area. it should heal fine! As for algae growing on the coral, clean it off with a soft bristle toothbrush and move the coral to a higher water flow area.
your welocome and good luck. You may want to dose with iodine as well, just be careful not to overdose as iodine is toxic in large amounts!
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