Leathers Drooping - Just Shedding or something worse?


Hey guys,

Long story short, my leathers, including one huge toadstool that has been growing a ton (even when I was kinda neglecting the tank), and it's offspring, have started drooping, stalks deflated, PE decreased and looking real bad ever since two things happened:

1) I added three more pieces of rock into the tank (was live rock from fish store, was out of water for maybe 2 hours or so)

2) I did a water change (30 gallons), and the water was kinda cloudy. I assume it was just calcium precipitate, as the alk and salinity levels were right on. I used it and didn't notice any immediate adverse affects.

From those two events, does anything look suspicious? Are they unhappy because I did a water change and they were kinda used to "dirty" water? I know leathers shed and look bad from time to time, but this was weird because all of them did it at the same time, and it was right after two events took place.




Only time will tell..
They look ok and leathers can certainly do that on occasion..
If after a week or 2 they don't look better then something might be up...
What that "something" is is anyones guess though..
Rules that cause out. I assume your 9.2 stays consistent, Alk flux of more than .5 PO's corals esoecially the E types like torches, frogs and hammers.....
For my leathers, shrimps and gorgonians, I maintain iodide at .03-.06.
Rules that cause out. I assume your 9.2 stays consistent, Alk flux of more than .5 PO's corals esoecially the E types like torches, frogs and hammers.....
For my leathers, shrimps and gorgonians, I maintain iodide at .03-.06.
Yep, it's constant. Only things that recently changed were what I mentioned above.
These events should not have caused any consequence to leathers.
They can be quite strange (well in a human perspective) lie down, shrink, rip themselves in two, just keep I eye on them.
cool..i think you should be ok...leathers do do this all the time ..might also be when you did your water change too.... they do tend to get ****ed off especially when you change the chemistry too fast..
Idk man. Just noticed my xenia's (which were really just pests at this point) melted away almost overnight. The ONLY coral that looks ok is my mushrooms. I tested for copper and everything came back fine. I got a polyfilter in the sump now as well.

Really think something is in the water. I've seen my leathers shed before, this looks different.
maybe list your levels....what are they....
Salinity: 1.026
Temp: 79
Alk: 9.2
Calcium: 390
Mag: 1380
Nitrate: No test kit
Phosphate: 1 (Tanks been neglected maintenance wise for probably over a year, I'm trying to get back on the right track. For what it's worth, this value has been steady for a while, so there wasn't a spike in phosphates)

Everything has been stable for over a year now, that's why I'm confident it's not any levels. It definitely has to do with one of the two events that happened, but I can't figure out what.
If you're nitrates are really high... that would make them mad. .I have an all softie tank and know that would do it. .maybe get it checked and see where its at... could be possibility
Phosphate 1 (.50 is really bad)
Nitrate unknown
I think you have found your problem.

Nitrate 2-5 ppm
Phosphate 0.02-0.05

That's the range where you need to be......
Phosphate 1 (.50 is really bad)
Nitrate unknown
I think you have found your problem.

Nitrate 2-5 ppm
Phosphate 0.02-0.05

That's the range where you need to be......
As I've been saying, those levels have been that for over a YEAR. There's only leathers, zoas, and mushrooms in there. Toadstool tripled its size in that time. There was absolutely no change to those levels since I've seen them start to act weird.

It makes zero sense for nitrate or phosphate to be the issue, when they've been stabilized at those levels for over a year with these exact same corals growing.
As I've been saying, those levels have been that for over a YEAR. There's only leathers, zoas, and mushrooms in there. Toadstool tripled its size in that time. There was absolutely no change to those levels since I've seen them start to act weird.

It makes zero sense for nitrate or phosphate to be the issue, when they've been stabilized at those levels for over a year with these exact same corals growing.

Look man you came on here for peoples opinions. And when they give them to you you continuously discount what's being said. He's right in saying that phosphates that high are not ideal but if you don't want to listen to what anyone has to say, then don't ask.

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As I've been saying, those levels have been that for over a YEAR. There's only leathers, zoas, and mushrooms in there. Toadstool tripled its size in that time. There was absolutely no change to those levels since I've seen them start to act weird.

It makes zero sense for nitrate or phosphate to be the issue, when they've been stabilized at those levels for over a year with these exact same corals growing.

Your right, must be something else!