Hey guys,
Long story short, my leathers, including one huge toadstool that has been growing a ton (even when I was kinda neglecting the tank), and it's offspring, have started drooping, stalks deflated, PE decreased and looking real bad ever since two things happened:
1) I added three more pieces of rock into the tank (was live rock from fish store, was out of water for maybe 2 hours or so)
2) I did a water change (30 gallons), and the water was kinda cloudy. I assume it was just calcium precipitate, as the alk and salinity levels were right on. I used it and didn't notice any immediate adverse affects.
From those two events, does anything look suspicious? Are they unhappy because I did a water change and they were kinda used to "dirty" water? I know leathers shed and look bad from time to time, but this was weird because all of them did it at the same time, and it was right after two events took place.
Long story short, my leathers, including one huge toadstool that has been growing a ton (even when I was kinda neglecting the tank), and it's offspring, have started drooping, stalks deflated, PE decreased and looking real bad ever since two things happened:
1) I added three more pieces of rock into the tank (was live rock from fish store, was out of water for maybe 2 hours or so)
2) I did a water change (30 gallons), and the water was kinda cloudy. I assume it was just calcium precipitate, as the alk and salinity levels were right on. I used it and didn't notice any immediate adverse affects.
From those two events, does anything look suspicious? Are they unhappy because I did a water change and they were kinda used to "dirty" water? I know leathers shed and look bad from time to time, but this was weird because all of them did it at the same time, and it was right after two events took place.