Leaving hobby sale off --PA


New member
I've been thinking about selling everything.I want to see if there is enough interest before I start selling it off.I have ALOT of corals,mushrooms,ricordias,blue zenia,devils hand,green sinulara,lots of zoas,cabbage leather,large hammer x2,large torch coral,pulsing zenia,large candy cane,star polyps,many types of mushrooms,red seaweed,calupera,etc..Plus lots more.Around 100lbs of live rock,maroon clown,sohal tang,engineer goby,couple other small fish,arrow crab,sally lightfoot,snails,mini stars,live sand etc.
Everything has been here for about 3 years & is very healthy.I want to see what interest there is before I sell of pieces.Prices will be fair.
Send replies to my email at fordparts66@hotmail.com
I will send pics & prices as requested.Pick up only in Lewisburg PA.
I will be selling off corals,fish,rock & sand.Once livestock is sold,I will sell the lights,filters,skimmer etc..Contact me for available list.
i'd be interested in some leathers, the frogspawn, and hammer (maybe more) once you have pictures and prices. Let me know.