Leaving the Hobby 135g *******, supplies, and livestock Philadelphia


New member
Well after 6 years of being in the reef hobby, I have decided to stop for a while and do some traveling. The whole setup, livestock included can be sold for $1500. Or I will part out, although i really prefer to just get rid of it in one shot. Included are:

1. ******* vista marine aquarium, the most unique tank I ever came across. Retails for $5,000 with stand and canopy. heres a link for the aquarium

2. 2 24" 250w metal halide fixtures with 2 1 month old bulbs in the fixturer and 2 spares. also has acintic lighting in fixture.

3. 3 koralia 4's, 3 koralia 3's, 2 mag drives 7's, 2 other pumps (not sure brand or size, but these run the overflow.

4. coralife 125 skimmer (not hooked to setup as i prefer not to skim)

5. Fish- purple tang, sailfin tang, scopas tang, flame angel, 2 mated pj cardinals, 2 mated perculas, 2 mated engineers gobies, cleaner wrasse (my first fish 6 years old 2 electric blue damsels, yellow tail damsel, 6 line wrasse.

6. Coral- Magnificent anemone (hosts percs), 2 long tentacle anemones, green stripe mushroom rock 6 polyps, zoo rock, huge leather and small leather, brown star polyps covering about 50lbs of live rock (very fast growing), random mushrooms and zoos.

7. Live rock- about 200 lbs mostly figi, some tonga. also some huge pieces that were like $8 lb including a flat 25lb shelf piece that is awesome for displaying zoos.

8. live sand- 100 lbs

9. refugium contents- tons of worms, pods, star fish, and chaeto.

This tank is an all in one system, no need for a sump or refugium as it is all built into the overflows. there are some minor scratches that can be buffed out on the tank, as well as the stand. i would give the tank a 7 out of 10. For pictures send me your email addy.

