LED Lighting


New member
Hi all,

I just visited South West Florida Marine Aquarium Society website and they have a post of "LED Lighting for reef tanks".
Which they invited Joe Kistel of the company Clearly LED's to be their speaker.
Which you can find here- http://www.swfmas.com/node/98

Wel the LED seems to be a great idea/alternative for our current lighting. On clearly led's site you will read that the LED's last a long time and that they can give the same quality of light as a Metal Halide or Power Compacts.

Here is the Clearly LED website.

Have you guys ever see a reef tank, which has LED's as the lighting, in person?

Man if these LED's really perform as they say it does. I will be buying a panel for sure. They run on only 13 watts :) Thats great.
thats awesome!! but does this have the watts neccesary to hold coral? i didint catch that anywhere, besides i didint read much of it anyways! i looked at pics and skimmed around =P

We will actually have one of his fixtures on display during the meet & frag swap this saturday! if you're interested .. come on over & check it out? I believe Rogger Castells & Speckled Grouper are coming over - catch a ride?

We also have a local guy hthat has one of the PFO Solaris lights - i'm trying to contact him to see if he is coming over ... and if he'd be willing to bring his light fixture to show off.

I wouldn't read into the watts/gallon too much ... that is a pretty old rule of thrumb that does not apply as much anymore as it did 20 years ago ... technology has improved, and we get better PAR/PUR/LUX out of more efficient bulbs, or different light sources these days.
i have seen a setup at i think the place is called neptune aquariums just north of bird road on the right side of 137 ave. according to a guy that works there corals are doing much better than with the old MH. the lighting is strong and bright but i would need to see it next to something to make a good comparison i am new to the hobby so i cant offer to much exp to say anything other then IT LOOKS COOL.

P.S. so far the people i have met buying stuff from locally have been great. very willing to help and offer advice and so on, even throw in a freeby here and there, this is something i GENUINELY appreciate and cant say enough except that i will, when able or asked, to return the favors, i dont forget about those that deserve it. THANKS GUYS to all. MELVIN (REDDAWG43) is one of those guys. i hope to meet more of you guys and maybe attend some local meetings n stuuf, SORRY THIS WAS OFF TOPIC just want to say thanks and you all are part the reason this hooby IMO is one i dont mind being a part of CHEERS

i think i am hooked actually my GF says obssesed NAHHHH ok maybe just a little (im lying shes right i am obssesed)
The very cool thing about these fixtures is that they have a microprocessor that controls the intensity of the light, varying it throughout the day (and night) to simulate natural light. No need for timers or light controllers and something that cannot be achieved with MH or flourescent lighting. Anytime we can get closer to the natural world in our little ecosystems, it has to be better for the critters in our care. I just wish they were cheaper.
Jessp...I want your wallet:p These lights are still astronomical in price compared to other technologies and the jury is still out on how good they work. Here is an article (http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2006/8/review2) that is pretty favorable but it is still a new technology and not everone agrees. Kind of like the BB vs DSB arguments. Needs to be more competition before the prices become reasonable for the average hobbiest.

Personally I'll be all over it once I can afford it. The biggest plus, other than the supposed match to Halides, is the total lack of heat!
I have seen these lights in person. I think the technology is great. There are some great advatages to these light such as heat and life, but there are also disadvantages such as cost, horizontal light spread, and PAR. Only time will tell how LEDs will advance.