LED settings


New member
I am having some issues with a few corals losing color after switching out lighting.

I recently switched from a basic full spectrum LED fixture to AI Hydra 26HD. Since I switched I've had a couple of ordinarily happy corals get really upset.

The intensity and wattage is less than before, visually but that really means nothing. And I don't have a PAR or PUR meter.

I would like some feedback on my lighting settings from those who have similarly controllable full spectrum fixtures.

Here are screen caps of my schedule and the actual settings at the peak time of day.


My feelings are start off low and slow! Make adjustments slowly, if you see a positive response from your coral then you know your good. After that point if you decide to increase lighting give it a month before deciding to increase further. The more light you have the more nutrients your coral will need also. I slightly bleached a few because I didn't have enough. They have since recovered quickly but I know keep things on an even kile

A few days ago I turned on acclimation mode and reduced all channels by 25%. Still observing to see what happens.

I'm hoping someone can look at the settings I have for each channel. I've tried to match it to spectrographs I have seen for light in seawater at a depth of 5m.
Wavelengths for the color ranges from violet to blue are the highest in energy. You may have overtaxed the symbiotic algae in the corals. Turning down the strength by 25% can help....................Jim
Here is the profile I ran on my 60 cube (hydra52) and 20 long frag tank (hydra26). I am using it on my 120, but started a 40%, 2 month acclimation when I set the tank up three weeks ago.
