Leopard Wrasse causing RTN?


New member
My tank is going on 2 years old. I started adding SPS about 8 months ago and everything has been growing well. All my parameters are stable. I dose ALK/CA 12 times a day for stability. I've had no temperature fluctuations. Nothing has changed other than adding a large Leopard Wrasse two weeks ago who immediately taught my other wrasses to dig in the sandbed and create sandstorms 4-8 times a day. I came into my office today and noticed a well established Acro colony had started to RTN and was about half way gone. I immediately removed the colony. Could my wrasses be causing the RTN?
I have noticed when I stir up the sand during a water change my staghorns don't like it! they get snotty treads coming off them, especially on the tips. I think they are irritated by the fine grains of sand in the water column …..but they get over it within a few hours.....
I guess the stirring up of the sand may be releasing microbes or bacteria or gas but it would be way down the list of possible causes for me..
I have a orange spot goby who makes sandstorms regularly and I’ve never had an issue...
I kind of suspect it’s a coincidence..
What parameters do you test for regularly? And what are the results?
How deep is the sand bed?
How’s your flow? After 8 months, if the corals have grown well, they may not be getting the flow or light they used to get..
Not ruling out your theory but I’ve never really seen a correlation between sand stirring fish and rtn- in a perfectly healthy reef..
I guess the stirring up of the sand may be releasing microbes or bacteria or gas but it would be way down the list of possible causes for me..
I have a orange spot goby who makes sandstorms regularly and I've never had an issue...
I kind of suspect it's a coincidence..
What parameters do you test for regularly? And what are the results?
How deep is the sand bed?
How's your flow? After 8 months, if the corals have grown well, they may not be getting the flow or light they used to get..
Not ruling out your theory but I've never really seen a correlation between sand stirring fish and rtn- in a perfectly healthy reef..

I also doubt the wrasse has anything to do with it, I have a couple leopards and a very large christmas wrasse that make sand storms all the time never had any issues with rtn from them. I would look else where for the cause if possible.... you may not find one...
this is very possible... i had same issues as well my wrasse did it and ive my self accidently stirred my sand not so deep sand bed and next day rtn in acro. Its time to go Barebtm.