let me see those stands!


New member
i just got my 180 gal. last week, and i'm about to start the build and thread here. i'm planning on building the stand and having a local woodfinishing company put a skin and doors around it. just wondering if anyone wanted to share their diy woodstand, trying to make sure i'm on the right path.
Here's the stand I've made for our 120. I have to make the hood yet but here is what I have.

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I'm working on the rock work that is why the light is so far off center. I'm starting over from a problem pest and xenia in a 60 cube. Only transfering the fish and cleanup inverts. everything else was so covered in xenia or pest stars it wasn't even funny.
Anyway... Wood is walnut and curley maple.
Heres the 60 cube that will be going back up in my parents house. Obvously only tank and stand with some equip.
This is made from oak. There are doors on either side of the stand for better access. also so it can be against either corner and access is stil avail. without building a new stand.
don't flame me on the wires the pick was taken the day it was set up.

Here is the one I just did and finished for my 210g which is a taller version of your 180g

Here is what it looks like stained and sealed as well as painted on the inside

There's a thread here that been going for months called something like, "Show Me Your Fancy Stands". I don't remember the last page count, but it's a huge thread with some of the most amazing stands you've ever seen. If someone can come up with a link, you'll love it.
Mine is on page one of the Fancy Stand thread.. A lot of great stand and canopies in that thread!

BTW mhummel, love the two tone. I built a storage unit for my shop the other day out of birch and maple. I ended up just clear coating it cause I liked the contrast so much.
Thanks that was my first attempt at it. I was kind of nevous when it wasn't finished. My father was in business for himself building custom kitchens for 15 years. Before that worked for Quakermade and is nowe supervisor for a firm making high end kitchen table and chairs. So I have a good instructor. You'll have to send me pics of your storage unit.
my stand

my stand

Hi Everyone

Here is my cabinet. Just arrived yesterday, so the 150 gallon rimless tank is not in it yet. Thanks to Marlon at the Modern Reef Aquariums thread for the design





