Let The Fragging Begin!


Premium Member
The 55 is up and producing! Last week I bought a red mushroom from PPM took it directly home and fragged it! Here's what it looks like 6 days later:


I also had some over running clove polyps that have grow to the point that a chunk fell off the rock they were growing on. I now have three clove polyp frags about the size of a silver dollar. Of course I fragged them and then thought about taking the picture

Here's one of the next victims;


And if my Pulsating Xenia keeps sprouting new branches I've got some of that for everybody too! All the little branches off the trunk are new and growing every day.


You guys are going to have to come over once a month to collect frags so I can keep filling the 55 frag special!
The guy at ACO has a ton of SPS. Cheap too.

same thing at PPM will run you 3000-4000 more yen than the same thing will at ACO. Jeff, ive been looking for a good tall peice of SPS for my tank. Something tall, only a couple of branches and I want like a blue colored something...
Kadena north has a great selection of SPS, just snap off a piece and glue it to a plug or rock when you get home. Water is starting to get cold though...
I got a little sick the last time Mike and I went out. I think that I am going to stay out of the water for a few months....
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9100241#post9100241 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by vest0830
The guy at ACO has a ton of SPS. Cheap too.

same thing at PPM will run you 3000-4000 more yen than the same thing will at ACO. Jeff, ive been looking for a good tall peice of SPS for my tank. Something tall, only a couple of branches and I want like a blue colored something...

Since you just set your tank back up, I would wait at least 6 months for everything to stabalize. SPS can be very sensitive to changes like that.
Thanks to Matt, the frag tank is full again. Matt send some beatiful peices of SPS that are in there for anyone that has good lighting. I have some as well that will be fragged once it recovers from the stress of shipping.