Let's Get It Started! Test tank & Clean Sand 09.16.12


New member
OK, I finally have the time to get this baby going! :spin1:

1. I took off the protective plastic on the new tank and removed all the bio balls in the back area. I will replace with live rock & chaeto algae to use as a rufugium. I also removed the filter sponges on the right back.

2. I took the tank outside to test with water & power. No leaks, pump works great...Quiet! (I'm sure the rubber feet help). I placed a small red piece of yarn in the main display area and watched how to traveled through the back filtration area. Perfect!



3. Washed the CaribSea SeaFlor sand a bit. I really like the size and texture of this sand. My first 24 gal Nano had too course sand w/ a lot of crushed coral added. Then I switched to fine sand for my 28 gal Nano- way too easy to fly around, look dirty faster. This sand is perfect for me.

So far I love the look of this tank! Next bring it inside and add rocks, sand & water!
(sorry this post was sitting in my Drafts folder... duh :hmm3:)
hi! i just picked up the same tank but 125g. do you have pics of how you setup your refugium? have you had good success with your corals? please let me know :)