Lets See SPS LED Tanks!

Ive never saw A nice colorful tank lit with led's. Mabye there out there. All the ones ive seen not nice looking.
I tried it once, SPS looked good and grew for a few months then started to brown out and loose color. I even noticed that my nice purple rock turned to a more gray color. Needless to say back to MH I went. FIY I was using Cree LED's 1/2 blue and 1/2 white independently controlled with meanwell drivers to get any color temp/brightness. PAR was not an issue either, they were spaced 2" apart on a 18" deep tank. I have yet to find a SPS tank that has made it long term (1+ year) with only LED's. MH are the proven and only way IMO to grow great looking SPS. LED's just have all the hype and energy savings. If anyone can prove me wrong PLEASE let me know
i just read a post by a guy who paid way to much money for some LED's on his like 20gal ish tank and he thinks his zoa's love it.

but here is the kicker and common answer to the question he has only had them for a month. And no pictures of course
Exactly no LONG-TERM pics I had some high end zoos in the tank as well they seemed to do fine with the LED's but SPS definitely not long term. Using the blue Cree LED as supplemental lighting works fine I just don't feel that they can replace VHO actinic either though. Like I said I am open to anyone who can prove me wrong.

i just read a post by a guy who paid way to much money for some LED's on his like 20gal ish tank and he thinks his zoa's love it.

but here is the kicker and common answer to the question he has only had them for a month. And no pictures of course
I read TONS and TONS of LED Build threads and have yet to find one of them a year later showing how successfull they are with SPS under them.
i dont spend alot of time reading about LED's but has anybody herd weather or not they produce any UV?
LED's do not produce any UV. There are UV specific LED's but from what I know they do not produce the same wavelength UV that MH produce. I once thought that could be it but I have seen several great looking SPS tanks under HO T-5 only which do not produce any UV either. So I am still baffled why SPS do not grow well under LED's.

i dont spend alot of time reading about LED's but has anybody herd weather or not they produce any UV?
Wow, it almost seems like you have something personal against led's, lol.

Anyways, I have seen some smaller tanks that are full of color and has been led lit for close to a year.

I myself have been using all t5's for over a year and I have had awesome growth and color. Im currently going to convert to all led within a few months. Hopefully I can come back a year later and prove your wrong. (not trying to cause any problems or come off as a jerk, lol)
300g tank, 8x160W Maxspect LED for 4 months now. So far so good.:p

<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com.tw/lh/photo/C6E382QZGnGs3PbCWoU7kw?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_TXu_oZVMDqo/S-Aa92444xI/AAAAAAAACVs/UEk-Tk1DN3g/s800/PICT1546.JPG" /></a>
I have nothing against LED. I want LED to be the new "IT". I want to be through in my research before spending thousands upgrading my light and then have it not work and then spend hundreds more on t5 or Metal Halides.
300g tank, 8x160W Maxspect LED for 4 months now. So far so good.:p

<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com.tw/lh/photo/C6E382QZGnGs3PbCWoU7kw?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_TXu_oZVMDqo/S-Aa92444xI/AAAAAAAACVs/UEk-Tk1DN3g/s800/PICT1546.JPG" /></a>

Have you noticed any color differences in your system from switching??