Lets See SPS LED Tanks!

I think LED works because I do see good growth even though I am having some issues with the tank. The colors did pop out before everything brown out, not from the led, but from phosphate.
I don't know if it's just me or the light is too white or because of the camera, but most of the LED tanks i saw the coral doesn't really pop. The color seems white and washed out.
well.... that's from the manufacturer. It doesn't count. It's not that i don't trust them... it's.... who am i kidding, ya, it's because i don't trust them.
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Using the blue Cree LED as supplemental lighting works fine I just don't feel that they can replace VHO actinic either though.

Dang - I was hoping to do this...but if you're doing it and don't recommend....hmmm.

Can you elaborate why you don't think LED compares to VHO actinic supplementation? Output? UV? Coloration?
They are the manufacturer; they are like the LFS selling you fish. Do you always trust your LFS? Lets say you buy a digital camera, would you rather get reviews from the people that's selling the cameras or from the users?
For one, Ive found it hard to get clear and precise pics with led lighting to show what the tank really looks like. Im using a regular point and shoot, so that might be the reason. I made a small led fixture for a small tank with some sps, Ill give it a few months and see what happens. Its connected to the same system as my 40b lit by t5's.

With back to the topic of the thread, Ill try and see if I can get some pics of my friends tank.
Wow, it almost seems like you have something personal against led's, lol.
+1 lol...

Here are some par readings:

Growth shots with LED's:
btw, coral growth under LED lights in my tank....
This is a before and after inside almost 2 months...


After less than a month, had to frag the top one as it is coming out of the surface....


Another specimen growth inside a month....


Here is a picture of a tank with Grassy LeDio LED spotlights:

I don't know if it's just me or the light is too white or because of the camera, but most of the LED tanks i saw the coral doesn't really pop. The color seems white and washed out.
That is because of the camera, the true color of leds are really hard to capture...
They are the manufacturer; they are like the LFS selling you fish. Do you always trust your LFS? Lets say you buy a digital camera, would you rather get reviews from the people that's selling the cameras or from the users?

The corals themselves are doing the reviewing here. Their corals are colorful and healthy under their lights... what do you think they are doing - switching their lighting to MH when no one is looking? Dying their corals and Photoshopping, while also allowing aquarists to come and look at their tanks? This tank is in their LOBBY - it has been personally seen by many people. http://www.acanlighting.com/index.php?option=com_content&id=97. They are obviously practicing good husbandry, and have the lighting levels just right. I can't understand denial in the face of evidence - seems rather dogmatic.
The attitudes in this thread baffle me, and some people seem to be predisposed to hating LEDs. LEDs grow corals like nothing I have ever seen, with better colors, versatility, and a fraction of the electrical usage.

Granted they have to be properly implemented...you cant put a single 150W MH over a 90g tank and say that because it doesn't grow acros on the bottom halides totally suck.

Look around, plenty of people are having great results with LEDs.

Careful neoyhng...four months is when everything suddenly turns brown and your rock turns gray! ;P
"Careful neoyhng...four months is when everything suddenly turns brown and your rock turns gray!"

uh-oh he said it. now your doomed
AGAIN, I have nothing against LED. I love the idea of LED. it's cheaper, less heat, less energy. All i want is to do is to get more info on LED before i spend $1000+ on an LED system. I want it to work and enhance my tank. I am not rich and $1000+ is a lot of money to me. That's why i want to see Pics of LED on SPS tanks.

I've looked at a lot of threads in regards to LED and had only seen a handful of good looking tanks. I just want to see SPS tanks under LED.
Husky - In my previous post, I wasn't referring to you about having something against leds. It was intended towards the other guy.
Have you noticed any color differences in your system from switching??

I can't tell there is significant difference. But my wife just told me that my tank is beautiful....she never said that before.

But I did notice one thing. Those SPS with paler colour before the switch seems to react better than those with darker colour...I lost one "brown" colony after the switch and another one losing some tissues (it recovered now). The paler colonies all seems to be happy.

The main reasons for my switch were electricity saving and temperature control. In this respect, I am very happy with my investment.:lol2:
None of these are mine, but just to show what kind of research you can accomplish by using the search function...

150 gallon AI system

Solaris growth shots

4 months later...

Same tank under Solaris...

6 mos later...

...another 6 mos later...

Great results from LEDs over sps are pretty easy to find.
The attitudes in this thread baffle me, and some people seem to be predisposed to hating LEDs. LEDs grow corals like nothing I have ever seen, with better colors, versatility, and a fraction of the electrical usage.

I don't believe that for a second. I've tried leds but had to switch to T5 since I was losing so much color in my corals.