Let's see those uncommon shroom color morphs

Some of my rics and shrooms

Nope i have all that you have i just want the Orange/yellow guys

let me know what kind of SPS u wanting or you want me to what i got?
"sps." is biology-speak for "species" ("XXX sp." is singular and "XXX sps." is plural). I have no interest whatsover in Small Polyped Stony corals, I was asking you to PM with mushrooms you have to trade. Sorry for the confusion.
rob28 - What is the one in the last picture called? I just got a similar one but I don't know if it has a special name.
Whisperer, could you please post more pictures of your rhodactis?
I don't think you've posted them enough in this thread or forum yet... ;)
I'm just saying, rob's rhodactis is very similar to mine and just wondering if they ever get to fill up. He has nice rhodactis. Sorry if you don't. :mad:
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Okay, I'll play.

This one went over well elsewhere


Anguswu, yours appears to be of the same lineage as mine. Until today, I have never seen one like it. Very nice. I have had mine for about a year or so, and it has been sprouting some small babies. I am greatly anticipating them growing up so I can see if they develop the same colors. I recently talked to Eric B., and he has never seen these before and was very curious about the pigment-regulating mechanisms behind these corallimorphs.

Amashun, you have a shroom in one of your posts a few back that looked similar to Tub's Pink Nebulas. I think it was posted 5/9 on page eight, second pic down. Any chance you trade these out? I'd love to get some, as I think they're beautiful.

Regards, Zack
Nice one nanofins!

Whisperer - Yeah, I've got a few nice rhodactis...they just don't get any nicer by posting the same pics a bajillion times.... :)
ehutchby--Re: Tie Dye Mystery Mushroom.

It's not a ric. It's an unidentified mushroom species. It's not doctored. There are people who've come over and seen it and cn tell you that it's better in person. Check several pages back...anguswu from Taiwan has one similar to mine, though that's the only other one of its caliber that I've seen.

It's FREAKY AWESOME, and that's just that.