Let's see those uncommon shroom color morphs

Red/pink, on green/bluish background. Sold to me as "reverse" supermans, but they are more rainbow looking in person than anything.

These are my supermans....
SDguy, did not know u've got some nice shroom collection too. Do they spread fast like the purple ones? (I got a couple of purple ones from gcantu a few months back and they just took off. I must have at least 10 now. Good thing, I used a large oyster shell to attach them, so they are isolated from the rest of the rocks).BTW, how is your turquoise polyp stag doing? Mine is starting to shoot a lot of branches at the tip. Still very small polyp extension in the daytime but long at night. Must be a nocturnal.
I've got true pink FL. ric as well ..

and i got something new .. its called "red rain" i duno if anyone has heard of it or has one .. but its kinda orangy-red yellow and violet .. its like a rainbow kind . its still small thow.. when it expands a bit more i'll take a pic.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11348544#post11348544 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SAPseven
I've got true pink FL. ric as well ..

and i got something new .. its called "red rain" i duno if anyone has heard of it or has one .. but its kinda orangy-red yellow and violet .. its like a rainbow kind . its still small thow.. when it expands a bit more i'll take a pic.

Interested in seeing that new one.....Sounds sweet....
Red rain...what an apocalyptic name :D
Can't wait to see that. My pink FL ric is not relly pink but orangey/pink so, it's not my favorite. Took some pics of my rhodactis this AM. They look purplish today than the last time.
Here are some of mine. I just got 2 really neat ones yesterday I'll get pics of later today.

unknown mushroom, its very hard and bendy! it has turned a darker orange and green since I bought it. Only seen 2 others all during the same time period at different stores. Any idea? Absolutley not like any rhodactis i've ever seen.


Love this one, camera doesn't capture all the colors right though. really looks like a sunset under MHs, not so much under the PCs its under now. Hopefully once i get my T5s it will look like that again.

I don't have any good pics of my neon red ones but heres a bad one!
Here are the two I got yesterday:
YOu can see the red with white striped one below the neon reds:

And here is a red one with blue dots and light green splotches:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11346478#post11346478 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Whisperer
SDguy, did not know you've got some nice shroom collection too. Do they spread fast like the purple ones? (I got a couple of purple ones from gcantu a few months back and they just took off. I must have at least 10 now. Good thing, I used a large oyster shell to attach them, so they are isolated from the rest of the rocks).BTW, how is your turquoise polyp stag doing? Mine is starting to shoot a lot of branches at the tip. Still very small polyp extension in the daytime but long at night. Must be a nocturnal.

I friend gave me a single purple mushroom. Split into 4 already and the one original was just stretching and leaning all over my other corals. I sold the rock a week ago. Too prolific for my taste.

These fancy colored ones don't seem to reproduce very quickly at all, which is a shame since they are the ones people want frags of most.

The ORA turquoise stag is doing well...awesome color. It's been moved a few times, so hasn't really been growing too quickly. I've noticed the same thing as you...no polyp extension during the day. Very strange. Just bright turquoise bumps where the polyps should be. Here's a pic...it's the one on the right side. Sorry all for the thread hijack :)
Melev, that looks like agiant rhodactis. Is that one piece or multiple. I like the purple color as well. The greens on the side are also rhodactis?
Those are many in one area. I don't count them, but I'd imagine there are 7 on the main area, two below and two the left. The clown has been hosting in them for years.