Let's see Whatcha got for christmas?

I saw Torry's tank in person and that aquascape is " AWESOME ''
No epoxy or glue, just a well balance aquascape. But pretty much the whole set-up is outstanding. The corals are awesome too!!!
Although there's lots of space to add more. In a few months, that tank will be even more beautiful.
Thanks for the frags!!! They are doing well!

Well, first, I got a visit from a thief. He stole some presents I had bought by cutting the window on my Jeep when I went into Winn Dixie for 7 minutes.

Then Santa came and gave me some love.

My parents came through good this year. I got a few visa gift cards so I can pick out corals myself, Julian Sprungs newest book, and a Canon G7 digital camera. Now I can finally take some good pictures of my aquarium.

I hope everyone had a great christmas and are keeping there new years resolutions ;)
