A protein skimmer is perhaps the most important piece of hardware for the salt water tank. It is a filter used to remove organic impurities from the water. Water is sent through a fractionating column where many tiny air bubbles are pushed through it. The air bubbles generate "foam", which actually consists of organic impurities.
Also known as a Foam Fractionator. It is a "filter" used to remove fatty acids, surface active organic compounds, and nutrient rich impurities from the water. Aquarium water and air (in the form of tiny bubbles) are introduced in a manner that creates a stable foam. The "foam" is directed out of the device and reduces the nutrient load on the biofiltration unit. In dercreasing order of effectiveness, the major types of skimmers are: downflow, venturi, counter current, and co-current.
:bum: :rollface: