Lettuce Leaf Nudibranch in Reef tank?


New member
I have a 500 gallon Reef tank filled with Live Rock, Coral, a few fish etc.

Two weeks ago I purchased two one inch Leaf Lettuce Nudibranch from a On-Line Dealer. The Dealer stated in his advertisment that the Sea Slug was "Reef Safe" and "Non Venamous". He also stated that it was Peaceful. They also stated they are excellent at destroying Algae.

The person who cleans my tank twice a week took one of them out of the tank and told me that they would harm the Coral. (He is also a large dealer in Saltwater Fish, Coral, etc. and does my maintenance because he sold me the system)

Who is right???

I think the Slug is an interesting addition to my tank and would like to keep them and also buy a few more. I have noticed no damage to any of the Coral to date. I have seen the Slug on top of several of the Corals.

Any advice would be welcomed.

Tom B.
Lettuce sea slugs make great tank inhabitants. They are reef safe. The only problem is making sure they have enough algae to eat. Just to be on the safe side I would have one for every 30 gallons. Its like insurance. The only problem with these guys is they for some reason seek out powerheads. Unknown to them they get sucked up and you've got slug bits everywhere. I have heard many cases of that happening. Since you have a 500 gallons I would try three and see how they are do.
They seem to like going down drains too! I ordered 3 in and sold 2 myself and when I came back on Monday I assumed someone had sold the last one. I found him playing in the sump a week later. I tried keeping them in a Betta Coral, basically an internal fuge for bettas, but they slip thru the holes used for circulation.
I raised 100 of the things, no problem. Here is an article I wrote about them.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6454612#post6454612 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fishybusiness
Lettuce sea slugs make great tank inhabitants. They are reef safe. The only problem is making sure they have enough algae to eat.

2nd that. Enjoy them! :D

yes i have a couple and never had any problems. I also have a black Scutus snail thats just as good at eating all that algea :)
just watch them round your power heads.