I have a Aqua Euro 1/4hp chiller for $375.
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I don't think you will need a chiller for next 2 months.
I don't think you will need a chiller for next 2 months.
Maybe longer
In May, I'll have a 1/3hp Aqualogics chiller for sale.... $450.00 and its yours
If worst comes to worse, setup fans blowing across the tank and start freezing 1 gallon milk jugs full of RO/DI. I have done this in the past for my 90 gallons. 1 gallon of frozen water gets you by the entire day. We have 4 jugs on rotation and never needed a chiller.
Thanks! Yeah, the weather looks kinda cool for a while. I should be good for now, but I might set up a large frag tank in the garage now that I have extra power? So we'll see? Thanks again for the offers! Cheers!
Let me know if you need it. I was kidding about the $450.00...
The good thing about American made chillers is that they last and are easy to fix if there's a problem.