LF drop-in chiller - any guidance?


New member
Looking to find a good drop-in chiller, in the 1/10 - 1/5 range. Would like to find a good used or discount at a store somewhere.. the $700 prices I"m seeing are horrible. XD

Anyone have any pointers?
Update: As I"m seeing most drop-in chillers are running in the $700+ range, I can't justify that right now, so thinking of maybe a JBJ 1/10 HP chiller and just plumb it in. Maybe into the return line. Running the return on a Model 7 pump, so not sure the flow is strong enough to pass through the chiller or if I"d have to get an upgraded pump. Anyone know of any chiller/pump specials going on anywhere? :)
consider removing internal pump and installing a external which will reduce heat .then possibly a couple well placed fans should do the trick.also if u use a controller on your heater it will save you a degree or 2 when lights are on.
Right now I have no heater on and just the one internal pump. Between the pump and the lights, plus the heat gained from the closed loop pump, I'm running a steady 78-80. Even popping in a fan, I doubt I'd gain more than 2 or 3 degrees drop; not to mention summer months. Switching to an external on the sump return might be an idea in general, especially if I have to upgrade to a bigger pump to handle a chiller. Not sure a Model 7 could deal with the return AND the chiller flow.
Heh, thanks for the offer psusocr. I actually just won one off Ebay last week (should be delivered tomorrow); sitting here anxiously waiting until it gets here and hoping its as good as it sounds.

Now if you happen to have any Galaxaura rugosa (pink galaxy), gracilaria or codium... and might be willing to mail it, well... let me know! ;)