LF: Good Brand Biopellets


New member
What brand have you had success with?

Anyone got some laying around they want to sell?

Looking for about 500ml to 1 liter.
Mike I have 3 bags of the TLF and have been good once I got them flowing correctly ....but I think you are going to salivate over the natureef Dave and I are working on with using substituted media at rock bottom cost ....and I have a smaller chamber an original if you want to look at it and we can work something out by far the best choice out there for n and p ....
Mike give me a call if you want to come over and see it and if it will work for you....I will be putting together a nice charting with Dave of experimentation with a large volume of water and how much processing will occur .....
Matt, I will be in contact with you. Im hoping I can pick up the long awaited dispenser too. Slacker ( ;
Running about 60ml vinegar, sm amount bluefin pellets due to pump strength, and algae scrubber.

As I add a frag tank to the plumbing, im also adding a 1000 gph pump and going to make these pellets fly all over the place.
Running about 60ml vinegar, sm amount bluefin pellets due to pump strength, and algae scrubber.

As I add a frag tank to the plumbing, im also adding a 1000 gph pump and going to make these pellets fly all over the place.

Is there anything you are not putting in that tank? Lol I think have seen you at pinch a penny buying supplies for that tank. Lol