LF harlequin shrimp....


New member
Or anything that will eat asterina stars. Never had a problem with the stars in my tank until now...they seem to take a liking to my zoas...they almost wiped out my kedd redds. My watermelons and started in on my magicians....any responce is appreciates.
I can't go to faios...his 2 days that he closes r my only 2 days off...and I'm never off work till 630 or later..I would love to go but just cant.
You really don't need the shrimp. Those stars don't move fast so you can just do a few picking sessions and get rid of them, or at least knock them way back.
When I get them I just vacuum them out during a water change.
Jaylensdad I know just what you mean. I would love to go to FAIOS but I work almost every hour they are open. I understand why they close when they do but I sure wish they were open longer or sundays.