Lf incredibly lps


im an addict lol
I'm looking for 3-6 incredibly color lps corals. What do u have one what is out there I need to look for? I have 3-6 locations in the display just not enough light for sps I want to fill with amazing lps

I’d be happy to get you something out of my tank, but I wouldn’t say I have any incredible lps, more so run of the mill lps. I do have a decent symphillia. Since I owe you so much, You are more than welcome to come over and take whatever you see.

You need a really nice trachy, a few of he high end favias like the ones from Legendary Corals, and you need some ultra rfas.
bleeding apple scoly with light green strikes

Aussie gold torch. I don't have one, but it's one on my wish list.

I had 5 heads a couple years ago of a really nice Aussie and it just died. I already have the 2 different types of gold hammer

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Get a bunch of rainbow chalices!!��

Maybe but they are still so over priced for my opinion

I'd be happy to get you something out of my tank, but I wouldn't say I have any incredible lps, more so run of the mill lps. I do have a decent symphillia. Since I owe you so much, You are more than welcome to come over and take whatever you see.

You need a really nice trachy, a few of he high end favias like the ones from Legendary Corals, and you need some ultra rfas.

Thx so much for the offer. Yes that's what I'm thinking also some nice favia maybe. Want something not many people have I don't mind paying up for something really nice


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This is what I have ordered. I think these will fill all my more low light areas of the display. And no chalices ���� I also got another 15 or so not posting pictures just cause Photobucket it such a pain

My favorite and was $$$ ��

Another $$$ I couldn’t pass up

Nice pieces! They're absolutely nice stunners! I wouldve offered up my northern lights echinata but I fought too hard for it.