LF: Wavemaker Pump(s)/Controller for Class Tank


Active member
Figured I would reach out here- members have been awesome with helping out.

After about 10 years of service (with little to no maintenance), my Hydor wavemaker setup finally pooped out. And my random Jebao pumps all seem to have quit too. So I am down to one tiny wavemaker pump and a couple of random powerheads temporarily.

So, I would really like to find something for $100 or less to get the flow going again (and of course donation is appreciated as well).

Maybe I should have picked up one of the MP40s that were recently for sale on the forum. Kind of open to whatever-hopefully something that will be reliable for a good stretch..

Please let me know what you might have available and how much..

Thanks in Advance
Possibly considering Hydor Smartwave 1150 kit at Liveaquaria for about $100, but maybe not enough water movement, but given my positive experience with Hydor products, tempted..