LFS locations for supplies

Ok gang,

Where are the LFS in the Coconut Creek area? North Broward, South Palm Beach county area.
I need to pick up some GFO, magnesium and carbon. Picking up the quad dosing pump and ATO in the next day or so.

Are there local stores that carry the Mrs. Wages? Got the 75 set up and running, planning for having to manage the tank.

Order those things online and you will save ...most order those things from BRS in bulk...if you want to pick up local Reef Aditiction in Coral Springs is a great local shop ...
Can't remember the name but there is a place on sample or wiles way out west (maybe Coral Springs or Coral Ridge??), where the Nicks work, that has a great selection of dry goods for the "real hobbyist". I was supriesed at the stuff they had, as its usually stuff your typical stores don't carry. There livestock selection was not great, but they did have some unique fish last I was there (exotic wrasses and angels, etc). I'm sure someone will chime in with the name.