LFS that sells black worms

There are black worms not blood worms. I buy them alive. I don't know why there not available frozen. I keep them refrigerated in a container with an inch of water with 2 drops of iodine and 3 drops of Selcon and change water everyday. I being able to keep them alive for four weeks. I read it's a big difference between blood worm and black worm. My fishes love them.
There are black worms not blood worms. I buy them alive. I don't know why there not available frozen. I keep them refrigerated in a container with an inch of water with 2 drops of iodine and 3 drops of Selcon and change water everyday. I being able to keep them alive for four weeks. I read it's a big difference between blood worm and black worm. My fishes love them.

Thanks for the explanation. Could they be kept alive with an air pump / air stone? I wouldn't mind putting them in a bucket and keeping them alive for a few days, but there's no way I can explain that there are live worms living in the fridge for 4 weeks.
There are black worms not blood worms. I buy them alive. I don't know why there not available frozen. I keep them refrigerated in a container with an inch of water with 2 drops of iodine and 3 drops of Selcon and change water everyday. I being able to keep them alive for four weeks. I read it's a big difference between blood worm and black worm. My fishes love them.

Elvira- you are confusing me. i dont know the difference to be honest with you, but i just checked my frozen package from Hikari and the are Blood Worms. i got them at all pets in pembroke pines.

IMHO you should train you fish to eat frozen or pellet foods. Its way too much work to continuously feed them live stuff.
If you guys do a research Paul B. explain a easy way to grow them but right now I have to much going on to try. Eddie it's a big difference in nutritious values between black worm and blood worm. I feed frozen food at night too. I guess every individual is different. I have the time to go thru the hazard of black worm but other people don't. I don't think is right or wrong the choice you pick but I'm convinced that right after started feeding black worms to fishes they acquire a better color and spawning more.
My Mandarin fishes are in the process of learning the taste for them.