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The LFS I was buying black worms stop selling them. Does anybody knows any LFS that sells them?
Elvira- I got some recently at All Pets in Pembroke Pines. Brand=Hikari
There are black worms not blood worms. I buy them alive. I don't know why there not available frozen. I keep them refrigerated in a container with an inch of water with 2 drops of iodine and 3 drops of Selcon and change water everyday. I being able to keep them alive for four weeks. I read it's a big difference between blood worm and black worm. My fishes love them.
They sell them live at all pet emporium? How much?
There are black worms not blood worms. I buy them alive. I don't know why there not available frozen. I keep them refrigerated in a container with an inch of water with 2 drops of iodine and 3 drops of Selcon and change water everyday. I being able to keep them alive for four weeks. I read it's a big difference between blood worm and black worm. My fishes love them.