lighting a 40 gal breeder


New member
can i get away with a single 250w de along with 2 65w pc true actinics the tank is 36Lx18Wx16D what do you guys think?
That's exactly what I have on my 40g. breeder. It has worked out very well. High light corals(acros) on the top and center and lower light corals(Montis) on the sides.
Right now I'm running a blueline 10k+ which is actually a 14k and love the color and growth I'm getting from it. I've also used the ushio 10k on this sytem and had great results with that also.
i have 250w 14k phoenix over my 40g breeder. i'm very happy with it. 14k phoenix is a great bulb! all my arcos have great growth under them.
that should be perfect and if centered you should get pretty good coverage along with the actinics.
I run a 250w SE with actinics. 2x150hqi might be better, but I'm satisfied.

I would suggest mounting the DE pendant at 12" or so above the water so you get better spread rather than blasting the middle of the tank.