lighting a 60g cube. please help

I agree with Sunny above...HQI double ended setups are much more expensive go with a SE setup 250 watt or 400 watt under a Lumenarc. The price difference is not that significant. I have a PFO dual HQI ballast. I really like it..... good reputable company, good performance data but I would run 10 k xm bulbs they have terrific Par and Color. 6500k bulbs are just too yellow without actinic supplimentation. A 20k bulb is nice gives coral very nice color but growth is slower. 10k xm has very nice par and color better growth. But if you are set on a 20k bulb radium is the only way to go. Go to Sonjays site for ballast performance... it will answer most of your questions about ballast and bulb combos.