Lighting advice


Active member
I'm trying to what you guys are using to light up your tanks. I'm trying to gather Intel so I can light my 40 breeder.
Latino! It's been awhile brother, glad to see you back!

I'm running a Hydra 26 HD on my 20 gallon Elos seahorse tank.
Thanks brother! Maybe I just need 2 of those then for my 40. I feel like I'm living in the walking dead era with nobody around anymore ������
Yeah, not much traffic on here anymore.

But back on topic, depends, if most of your high light corals will be in the middle of the tank, you only need one. I'd say try one first, it's easy to upgrade.
I was thinking of a 36" Aquatic Life T5/Led with 1 Kessil A360X to start off with. I wanted to give seahorses a try like you.
I was thinking of a 36" Aquatic Life T5/Led with 1 Kessil A360X to start off with. I wanted to give seahorses a try like you.

That's an expensive but great combo nonetheless.

Seahorses are fun but do know they are very limited on what you can keep with them, been itching to start another tank but the time isn't now.
As soon as I get my 40 breeder setup I'll let you know. Still need a refugium sump that will fit underneath. I only bought 1 light for now & if I'm not happy I'll get a Aquatic Life hybrid T5 model to supplement. If that doesn't do the trick then I'll add another. That's a ways down the road.