Lighting assistance


New member
Hi I habe a total of three Radion XR15 Pro's that i wamt to use for my Innovation Marine SR60.
Dimensions: 36"L x 24"W x 16"H
Should I use the regular TIR lenses or add the wide angle lenses? It's only 16" high so pretty shallow. Also I have a mixed reef. Currently running two SO primes left ans right and a Hydra 52 center. Live AI however I broke down a tank thatched four radio XR15s and one XR30 so i want to put the radions to use, match up ky lighting, i also like the look of the RMS mounting system. Thanks in advance
I'd put wide angle lenses on the lights. You definitely don't need maximum penetration to get to the bottom of a 16 inch tank. The RMS mounting puts the lights pretty close to the tank. The wide angles should give you better spread and less of a hot spot under the individual pucks.
