lighting for a nano


Premium Member
Hey everyone,
My wife has decided that her 10g FW tank should now be a Nano tank. Really it was after see Tperk's nano during the PBMAS meeting that made her love the idea of a nano.

Anyway, I was wondering what you guys would suggest for lighting.

Here are some main points:
I am just looking to keep LPS or less in her nano.
We do not want a retro, we want a nice fixture.
Shimmer is not a big deal
Included moonlights are always nice
Price is a consideration
No longer than 20"

Two of the lights in the running are:
Coralife 20" 96 Watt Quad Aqualight Compact Square Pin
Current USA Orbit 20" 2 x 40 Watt Power Compact Strip Light W/Lunar Light

Any opinions?

I had the 96w quad pc, it was a great light. Anyone who saw my 18g viaaqua would tell you... I had two of them over the tank (2 because I just had to have black sand, white sand and one would have been enough) The corals all grew like crazy! The only caveat, though, is the ballast. There is a pain in the butt fuse soldered onto the main board, and when it blows, it takes something else with it. I tried to hotwire the fuse and it didn't work. I bought a workhorse ballast, and it was perfect again. Great light!
Hey Reddawg, thank for the info. I am going to have to pass since it wont fit the stand that we have. the stand is 20" long. :(.

Ludwigia, I plan on having black sand as well, I am not sure I will be able to fit 2 over it though....I hope one will be enough. Glad to hear that the light is a nice color.