Lighting for sale


New member
Im selling my power compacts since my new T5s are coming in on Wednesday. They are 4x 65watts current usa sunpaq retro (2x white/2xactinic). they retail for 200 bucks and im looking to get 100 bucks for it all. comes with all necessary wiring, ballasts, reflectors etc. the bulbs are about 7 months old and have another 5 months before they need changing. Ive kept an RBTA, montis, and lots of lps, rics,zoos, brains, acans, etc.

my cell is 3053429597

Im offering it here for sale local first.

heres a pic... they are for a 4ft tank but the fixtures are half length so i guess 24". total ends up being 4x65 48" coverage.

im also willing to trade for a NICE frag pack...

my new lights are in and these are ready for pickup. price drop to $80 and they are in good working condition. my cell is 3053429597

also looking for some nice sps/frag pack if someone wants to trade.
