lighting for soft corals

If you want T5 check out reefgeek or seedsetc. Those are the cheapest I can find for the Tek T5 light (best on market IMHO)
There are alot of people running tanks on strictly T5's that are SPS dominated that are 24" deep. Take a look on this site and search for the grimreefer (king of t5's). I have always had MH and have recently started a t5 mixed reef that is looking beautiful !!! Research more before you buy. IMHO a MH on a softie dominated tank would be a waste. If I were you I would run a 4X 24 setup on that tank. Look on ebay for cheap units or the other two shops listed above.
You should find out what the ballast is and if you buy it switch out the bulbs becuase daylight (65k) will dull the colors of coral. You should try and get 10k bulbs.

I also noticed that it didnt have any way to put the lights on a timer ... thats definitly going to be a pain if thats true. Just double check it probably can you just cant see it in the pictures.
If you are thinking about buying that unit you better make sure it will run on American outlets. I saw the price was in GB pounds so it may not use 110 volt wiring.
i'm still not decided i went to a friends ous and he has a unit that has a halig in the middle and 4 t5's 2 on each looked really nice
I use a 175 HM over a 10.6gal tank. I have an octopus coral, Moon coral, Pumping Xenia, Leather and Zoas. So far the only one to respond poorly is the Leather but, put it at the top in full light.