Lighting help. 65 Gallon Marineland corner-Flo.


New member
What size lights should I get? 36 inches or 24 inches. Thinking of getting LEDs. The tank measures 36 inches? Would that be to much considering that the corner-Flo takes a large part of one corner?
I have the same tank & I have 2x 36" on the back over the overflow and LEDs in the front center, all on the canopy.
Watchman. That's what I have over my 65.

Djmicl. Here's what it looks like on mine.

Nice looks good. JohannesFTL. Are you able to keep SPS?
Watchman... Whats the model of the lights. What are the measurements.
Im not sure. Have little confidence in my chemistry so never tried. Sticks are a bit pricey to just jump in. Also lacking the flow for it right now with my wp25 is down.
What sps do you plan on keeping ? I would sugest t5 led combo would be able to keep just about anything
I'm not planning to get any SPS that are too difficult. I'm planning on getting the Ledzeal.. Malibu s200 or Malibu s150. What do you guys think of these lights?