I have a canopy about 8 inches high on one of my systems and I place my new dimmable ATI fixture on 2 pieces of wood, on the tank (between the tank frame and the ATI fixture). The wood goes from back to the front and they are 1" X 1". I place the wood about 2 " from the sides of the tank, just to hold the fixture. I have no problems at all doing that. The new dimmable ATI is much lighter then the ATI Power Modules, so...
The canopy goes on top of the tank, covering the fixture completely, and it has opening on the top, so the heat can dissipate. That is an inexpensive type of canopy, that matches the stand, and looks OK.
I don't know if the Deep Sea Aquatics' canopy is open on the top, but the back should be open. The light fixture needs air circulation to cool off. That's very important.
IMPORTANT: You need to place the fixture on the center of the aquarium AND place the canopy towards the left side of the aquarium. So you drop the canopy and push to the left. The reason why is because the exhaust for the air circulation of the ATI fixture is on the left side. The fixture needs to be open on the top too, so the fans of the fixture can cool the system/bulbs properly. I place an extra fan on the back to the canopy to help even more the air circulation inside of the canopy.
Every time you need to do maintenance you'll need to remove everything: canopy first and the light fixture. To feed or dose anything, depending on your canopy, you'll be able to do it from the back. That's how I do.
My other systems have ATI PMs hanging from the ceiling.
If you don't want to hang from ceiling and don't like the way the light reflects on you when you sit in front of the tank, that would be the easiest way to go.
Another way would be to built the masking around the fixture. So basically you'll place the fixture on wood (as high as you want) ad you built a wood box to cover it. That would take sometime, but normally it looks good too, and you can customize it really well, if you're handy.
If you still have a chance to hang from the ceiling that is the best of all. Makes thing so easy!! And you still can make a customized masking with wood around if you want.
Hope that helps. let's see what others' ideas will pop up here...