You'll loose a lot of PAR when you go to 20k. I'm totally making this up off the top of my head, but lets VERY roughly guesstimate that a 10k 250w halide setup has more PAR than a 20k 400w. a 10k 400w has more PAR than a 20k 1kw halide. You lose PAR when you go to the higher color temps, across the board. Just look at the chart on the page linked above.
You get much better coloration with 20k, however you lose the PAR that corals use to grow, and generally speaking you lose bulb life as well (the higher color temp bulbs shift spectrum faster).
20k on any bulb looks great, 10k on any bulb will get great growth. It's just kinda how it works. The reasons for having 400w over 250w are so you can have more light in deeper tanks, or to use a higher degree kelvin bulb where the PAR lost is made up for by providing more PAR than the lower wattage bulb would output, if that makes sense.
There are WAAAAY too many ways to skin a cat/light your tank in this hobby, even when you only stick with one technology (MH, T5, etc)....