lighting schedule


Active member
i have my lights setup so they come on @ 2pm and go off @ 10pm ... is this a bad idea??? i mean does the day light in the room screw up the fish?? i dont get home from work till 5 so i have them on till 10 so i have time to enjoy the tank
what are your guy's lighting schedules??
i have mine that come on at 6am turn off at 12pm and come back on at 6pm and off at 12 am.. your light schedual is fine.
i have one tank w/ pc's come on at 11:00 and go off at 8:00 and the MH tank come on at 1:00 and go off at 7:30.
actinics on @11 daily x 12 hrs.
MH's 3-11pm
Same resons as u so I'm able to see my tank when I get home.