Lighting / Viparspectra question for tank in living room


Premium Member

I am setting up a new 75gl reef tank in the living room and it will be viewable while sitting on the couches across from it and off to the side. I am going to use Viparspectra which will be suspended about 10 or so inches above the tank.

My question is...when sitting in the couch across the room (10ft) will the light cause a glare or issue while looking at the tank? I used to have a lid/cover on the tank that housed the old style lights (Halides) but this is my first go around with the suspended LED's. Is this going to be a problem? Thought I would ask before I go too far down the road...

If you do not have a canopy and are sitting at any height below the bottom of the light fixture you WILL see the light and it can be quite annoying..

Some people will tilt their lights towards the back and offset them towards the front some to change the angles there or use a canopy to block the light or add some side shields,etc...
If you do not have a canopy and are sitting at any height below the bottom of the light fixture you WILL see the light and it can be quite annoying..

Some people will tilt their lights towards the back and offset them towards the front some to change the angles there or use a canopy to block the light or add some side shields,etc...

Good to know!
So I have seen a couple DIY ideas to use a TV Mount for the Viparspectra 165 light. Has anyone tried this with success?. Also, does anyone know what the screw pattern is for the light? It looks to be 200x400 but was wondering if anyone knows...

I had to build a hood to go around the lights and it made a huge difference on the look of the tank too. It contains all the ligh in the tank not all around the whole living room. This viparspectras are bright!!