lighting with glass hoods


New member
I have a 75gal tank with a zebra eel, leopard eel and a miniatus grouper. I have had them all for over two years. I want to add some soft corals and maybe sps which means upgrading the lighting. So I was wondering what type of lighting would I need that didn't require removing the glass lids. Right now I only have a 48" two fluorescent light strip.
Use a power compact. It will be hard to get sps to thrive but it is posssible as long as you choose certain species and keep them high in the tank.
well i run 2x95watt vhos and 2x250watt MH that sit about 2 to 2.5in above a glass top, and about 3.5in from the water. No issues here, infact the glass is needed to prevent salt spray from the water onto the lights. Heat is the biggest concern you have to worry about (and another peice to clean). I would say on your 75 you would be fine with a glass top with ether 150 or 250watt MH's. You don't want them super close because of melting the center brace. I cool the tank with fans that have to run the whole time the lights are running. I would recomend adding fans or a chiller if your going to do a glass top because heat wll be your worst enemy.