Litermeter 3 vs. Bubble Magnus dosing pump


New member looking at the two dosing pumps mentioned. Which one would you recommend and why? I was considering the Bubble Magnus since it comes with 3 pumps, as opposed to 1 pump on the Spectrapure.

My intention for the time being would be to use one as as ATO, and the other for two part dosing in the future. This is new tank setup, so I won't be getting into corals for at least a few months.

I have heard that the Litermeter is awesome, and I know I won't regret making a purchase. But....terms of the price point, the two units are comparable and the Bubble Magnus would give me 2 additional pumps.

Please keep on mind I am new to your input would be greatly. Thanks in advance.
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A thread you may want to look at, especially page 2.

It is hard to beat the Litermeter, the longevity, performance, service (if ever needed) add up to a much better value for the long term than a cheaply made import item.
Thank you for your input and the link. I just read through it, and it was very informative. I totally understand what you were saying, and quite honestly I do believe that paying for a quality product upfront will serve you better in the long run.

FYI... When looking at Carbon/GFO reactors, I decided to spend the extra money and get the Spectrapure dual reactor...based on their name, reputation, and knowing that they are a top notch company.
Have to say Bubble Magus is probably your best bet based upon what you're saying. For an ATO either is a bit overkill IMO. But mentioning you want to dose a 2 part solution, then A litermeter will be absolutely useless for you, you would need at least 2 of them (3 if you add in magnesium).

At the end of the day you can have all the quality vs. cost effectiveness arguments you want but if you don't have the equipment that you need to do what you're trying to do then all of that is a moot point.
That is why they make the add on pumps, so you don't have to buy numerous main units. You get the added bonus of not having to replace heads yearly or sooner when they go out on the BM units. Cheap versus quality is a poor argument, quality for the long term is a better value than cheaply made inexpensive products for the short term. I guess it is a matter of priorities and how you see value.
The inexpensive vs. quality argument isn't always poor, there are times when factoring in replacement costs inexpensive still does win out (sometimes... by far wins out). Plus there's the argument that quality always translates to infallible, as well as "cheap" translates to yearly replacements required.

As to the add-on pumps, they're still quite expensive all things considered. And if you add up multiple pumps I think the OP should open up his search parameters if he's willing to spend that much for dosing pumps, GHL's doser comes to mind which isn't that much more than the BM doser (and it comes with 4 pumps instead of 3). I think he(?) was simply comparing two items that are similar price and using that to decide his choices.

For the case of an ATO though, there are WAY more economical ways of doing something that does not require a great deal of precision, a $15 aqualifter with a $30 dual float switch kit would be the best way to go, or if you're worried about accidents, Tunze osmolator (nano kit probably would work). Either way, I would look at this as two separate needs, an ATO... then down the line if you decide to go with dosing then get a doser and see what options are available to you.
Inexpensive doesn't mean cheap, cheap can also be expensive like when that cheap doser head fails while you are away and your parameters tank out costing you some coral health. The chances of that are signicantly higher with a cheaply made product than a higher quality one. In the case of the LM, very few products in this hobby have the same long history of dependability. Does BM even make a single high quality product? They got their start bu making a cheaper dupe of duped products.
I'm currently using the Magus and prior to that had the Litermeter. No question the Litermeter is a better unit. Mine ran for eight years and was still running when I sold it.

You can't use the Magus Doser for top off. It's incapable of keeping up except for people with very small evaporation rates.

You only need two pumps with the LM. I would mix my alk solution with my top off bucket. So you just need one extra pump for calc.
For the case of an ATO though, there are WAY more economical ways of doing something that does not require a great deal of precision, a $15 aqualifter with a $30 dual float switch kit would be the best way to go, or if you're worried about accidents, Tunze osmolator (nano kit probably would work). Either way, I would look at this as two separate needs, an ATO... then down the line if you decide to go with dosing then get a doser and see what options are available to you.

I forgot to indicate that I am gonna run my ATO in the basement, hence I need a peristaltic pump for the head room and travel length, with the added benefit of not worrying too much about a back siphoning issue. I was going to do the Avast ATO, but I figured that if I am going to need a peristaltic pump anyway, why not try and maximize the pump (like a Litermeter or a multi pump system) to fit my needs.
I forgot to indicate that I am gonna run my ATO in the basement, hence I need a peristaltic pump for the head room and travel length, with the added benefit of not worrying too much about a back siphoning issue. I was going to do the Avast ATO, but I figured that if I am going to need a peristaltic pump anyway, why not try and maximize the pump (like a Litermeter or a multi pump system) to fit my needs.

Ah gotcha. Yeah the head height will absolutely remove the option of the aquallifter pump.

But like I said, seemed like you were comparing a Litermeter to Bubble Magus because both are in the same price point. And while they are, they're two separate beasts to what they can do. If you're going to use it as an ATO + 2 part dosing, then you should also add in the cost of 2 additional LM pumps and don't forget the top-off module. Then see how your options unfold. I know it seems like I'm trying to sell you against the LM3, but I'm not, I'm just working with what you've said your needs are and letting you know there are other options.

Also how large of a tank are we talking about? What kind of volume of water will you need to top off?
Thanks Sfsuphysics for the advice. Yeah....I totally hear what you are saying with factoring in the additional LM pumps, as well as the ATO. I will take that into account when I factor in the total cost. I am doing a 65g mixed reef, so the ATO volume of water we are talking about is not a huge amount.
The litre meter is your best solution for ATO if you're going to be moving water from your basement. As others have pointed out, they're very well built, lost lasting pumps.

The BM dosser is on other end of the quality scale.