Live brine


New member
I was given a bag of live brine with a fish purchase, I didn't realize they were in the bag h til I got home lol. What do I do with them? Just dump them all in the tank??
Yeah, unless you want to keep and gut load them, or feed the to the tank over a few days. I would strain them with a fish net and feed that way.
If I keep them will they last a few days in a plastic Tupperware container? Any benefit to putting them in my remote cheato barrel?
I raise baby brine and gut feed them, then broadcast feed them once a day. I like live food because it stays in suspension till it's consumed.
I feed my 75 and 90 gallon tanks newly hatched brine shrimp at least twice a day. I keep brine shrimp hatcheries going 24/7.

The Bangai Cardinals in my 90 display breed constantly, and I've had fry grow to maturity in this tank. The live brine provide food for the young Bangais.

I mix live baby brine with powdered spirulina and powdered fry food, and feed my clam, corals and gorgonians (and baby Bangai) with this mix. I use a turkey baster to spray the mix into the intake of one of the two pumps in the sump.

This pump sprays water under the rockwork (the other shoots water from the right side top of the tank).

I set up the tank so I could keep Mandarin gobies and leopard wrasses.

Live brine is very nutritious IF you feed while they still have a yolk sac.
I would only add that they hatch after 24 hrs and are most nutritious then. After about 48 hrs they develop a mouth and anus and then you can gut feed them, I just use reef roids.