Live Rock And Substrate needs a new home


New member
I am a fifteen year reef aquarist who recently bought a home in the country and experienced catastrophic losses this year during the blizzard and its accompanying power outage. I have a 75 gallon tank which I would like to make. available to someone more able to continue the hobby than myself. THe problem is that I feel responsible to make sure the live rock inside and the substrate argonite/live sand mix finds a good home first. I have continued filtering the tank mechanically but have stopped lighting and feeding it. If anyone would like approximately 90 pounds of live rock which may require a bit of reseeding but which still has good color and maybe a five gallon bucket of substrate please contact me. I would like to get something out of it be it a modest amount of cash or a trade of some kind but it would be a great start for someone in the hobby and would allow me to start shutting down and parting out the tank and its equipment.